Spring Summer 2018:
Cosmetics Window Display

For Lifestyle International Pvt. Ltd, India


Window size: 20ft x 10ft x 4ft

Aim of this project was to create an attention grabbing window installation to communicate the breadth of makeup range at Lifestyle International, India.
A kinetic window that features a giant nail paint bottle in motion against a bustling urban landscape. The true attraction of the window is that it has a moving crane equipped with a hoist rope, which, fitted with motors and steel wear, lifts a life-size nail paint bottle up and down.
The inspiration of the window was the blend of urban city spirit and glamour. Life size products have been vertically placed in a random setting of the city full of buildings and skyscrapers – a city that is a dream and loves makeup. Urban cities are always pulsed with glamour; this window represents their evolving love for cosmetics.

To stimulate lifelike experience, brand’s beauty campaign shots as city billboards were added– a most effective form of advertising found across the city. This not only catches the attention of our customers but also captures it, zoning them to our dramatic display.
With best sample maker and also outsource engineering and electrical works as per project requirement elements for the window was implemented.
The crane and makeup products are 3D and the buildings structure is made using backlit acrylic sheets. The crane has actual motor operated rotating wheel. It catches attention with its motion and relevance to the scene.

Nominated for Best Window Display at VM&RD Retail Design Awards 2018 by Instore Asia.


Spring Summer 2018 - Handbags Window Display


Autumn Winter 2018 Handbags Window Display